Arts education project with students at Camp Glenwood, San Mateo County Juvenile Justice Honor Camp: Click image below to enlarge view

COMMUNITY FEEDBACK - Alternative Education

“Last Thursday, Peter brought the Story Teller Project to Unit 4.  Its difficult to put into words what a profound experience it was to be in the unit that day.”

Christine Rominiecki, 

Lead Teacher at Butler Academic Center, Juvenile Court School
(Click for PDF of full letter to Assnt. Superintendent of Schools)

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 “The young men came in with their usual skeptical attitude (most have attended many "well-intentioned" presentations during their young lives) and within 15 minutes were captivated.  This was a totally engaging workshop…It was a site to behold.”

Terry Coffino, Lead Teacher Camp Wilmont Sweeney
            Juvenile Justice Center, Alameda County Office of Education
(Click for PDF of full letter to Assnt. Superintendent of Schools)

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"Peter Giordano has been working with SPAS during the inter-sessions the last three years and he has worked this fall at Butler Academic Center to help reduce the gang tensions.  Bruce had seen Peter work during the inter-sessions and asked in September if Peter could work at BAC to help reduce the gang tension.  I agreed and the results have been a dramatic reduction in gang tension."

John Flores

Assistant Superintendent of Schools

(Click for PDF of recommendation for ACOE article to be written about STP)